Excursions near Prellezo
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Excursions near Prellezo

Contact by phone: 942 711 565
Contact by phone: 942 711 565
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Discover the magic that surrounds us

Explore the charms of the region

From the Hotel Valle de Arco, you will have the opportunity to discover nearby places of interest that will captivate you with their beauty and history. Explore the charms of the region, very close, the El soplao cave is located, it is considered "the Sistine chapel" of the underground world. The visit to the impressive Picos de Europa National Park or the Cabárceno Park is incredible, a unique experience for the whole family.

Immerse yourself in the diversity of landscapes, the cultural legacy and the unique experiences that each place has to offer.

Discover the most charming corners of Cantabria

Caves El Soplao

Caves El Soplao

El Soplao is a delight for everyone who comes to visit it, who will be able to enjoy a tour that will overwhelm you due to the spectacularity, abundance and diversity of its eccentric formations, which are what make El Soplao "a unique cavity".

An authentic game of shadows and lights, of colors, a festival of sensations. In addition to its geological value, the Cave and its surroundings house an exceptional heritage of mining industrial archeology, with more than 20 km of galleries.

It is considered one of the wonders of world geology, treasuring a paradise of eccentric stalactites, stalagmites, lava flows, columns, cave pearls, etc.

Picos de Europa National Park

Picos de Europa National Park

Liébana and its ascentral isolation, caused by its rugged orography, has allowed it to maintain its own features as well as a Mediterranean-type microclimate with crops such as the vine and trees such as the cork oak.

POTES, its capital and the Fuente Dé cable car, its two main tourist resources. A visit to the MONASTERY of Santo Toribio de Liébana is also a must, which, together with Jerusalem, Rome, Santiago de Compostela and Caravaca de la Cruz, has the privilege of celebrating the Holy Year. In the Monastery "the Ligmun Crucis" is kept and venerated, the largest known piece of the cross of Christ.

Cabarceno Nature Park

Cabarceno Nature Park

The Cabárceno Nature Park is neither a conventional zoo nor a natural park. It is a space naturalized by the hand of man, from the primitive beauty of its karstic landscape, on the 750 ha of an old open-cast mining operation.

It is a space designed to house animals from the 5 continents in semi-freedom. Bears, elephants, tigers, lynxes, giraffes, ostriches, zebras, hippos, rhinos, lions, gorillas... roam free before the surprised gaze of visitors. Spend an unforgettable day surrounded by nature, in a unique environment and enjoy, from the cable car, the amazing aerial views of the large enclosures in which Cabárceno animals live.

Hotel Valle de Arco ha recibido una subvención por parte del Gobierno de Cantabria, financiada por los FONDOS EUROPEOS DE DESARROLLO REGIONAL FEDER 2014-2020, como respuesta de la Unión a la pandemia de COVID-19. Esta subvención se ha aprovechado para insonorizar el cuarto de máquinas, reformar los baños y cocina de dos apartamentos, así como hacer mejoras en el exterior mediante la colocación de barandillas y renovación del cuarto de las bombonas de gas. Adquisición de nuevo terminal de punto de venta y nueva maquinaria (lavadora, cámaras de refrigeración). También ha permitido hacer una reforma en la cafetería para habilitar una zona de buffet de desayuno. Durante la pandemia de COVID-19 también financió la compra de los materiales de protección necesarios.