Hotel Valle de Arco's offers
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Hotel Valle de Arco's offers

Contact by phone: 942 711 565
Contact by phone: 942 711 565
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Special promotions in Prellezo, Cantabria

Exclusive offers for an unbeatable stay

Book with confidence and enjoy an exceptional experience at the Hotel Valle de Arco in Prellezo, Cantabria!

Take advantage of these special offers and let yourself be captivated by the beauty of Cantabria while you enjoy an exceptional experience at the Hotel Valle de Arco.

Offer Bed and breakfast

Offer Bed and breakfast

Starting the day off right, with a full buffet breakfast, is essential to enjoying your stay and regaining strength to get to know our wonderful surroundings.

15% Connecting rooms

15% Connecting rooms

Connecting rooms in low season will have a 15% discount on the rate, applicable to the second room.

Winter special offer

Winter special offer

Cantabria is a stunning region in Spain that is perfectly suited to visit during the winter time. With its stunning landscapes and wide variety of activities, there are many reasons to visit Cantabria in the colder months.

Contact Form
Do you have any questions, queries or suggestions? Get in touch with us and we will reply to you as soon as possible.
By phone
942 711 565
Hotel Valle de Arco ha recibido una subvención por parte del Gobierno de Cantabria, financiada por los FONDOS EUROPEOS DE DESARROLLO REGIONAL FEDER 2014-2020, como respuesta de la Unión a la pandemia de COVID-19. Esta subvención se ha aprovechado para insonorizar el cuarto de máquinas, reformar los baños y cocina de dos apartamentos, así como hacer mejoras en el exterior mediante la colocación de barandillas y renovación del cuarto de las bombonas de gas. Adquisición de nuevo terminal de punto de venta y nueva maquinaria (lavadora, cámaras de refrigeración). También ha permitido hacer una reforma en la cafetería para habilitar una zona de buffet de desayuno. Durante la pandemia de COVID-19 también financió la compra de los materiales de protección necesarios.